
The Fellow of Academic Council shall be enjoying following privileges

  1. Selection of Fellow is professional recognition in his or her respective field.
  2. Fellows are entitled to use the title Fellow Chartered Educator in full or FCE in short at the end of their name
  3. Fellows are preferred to submit their research papers/ analysis in the publication of CCLP Worldwide.
  4. Fellows can attend UN meetings as CCLPW representatives: our UN ECOSOC consultative status allows us to register designated members for UN events, and provide passes to visit UN libraries and facilities;(Only Short term passes will be issued subject to availability and as per rules laid down by United Nations.
  5. Fellows receive e-copy of International quarterly Magazine “The Education Charter”.
  6. The fellowship is an addition to Academic qualification.
  7. Fellows are entitled to use the facilities of Members of CCLP Worldwide except for voting rights.
  8. Fellows are encouraged to explore the online resources of CCLP Worldwide site at
  9. Fellows are encouraged to nominate a candidate for the fellowship.
  10. Fellows are invited to attend a range of conferences, seminars and events of CCLP Worldwide and its affiliate institutions.

CCLP Worldwide popularly known as the International organization of Education Charter is engaged in promoting

  1. Higher education,
  2. Importance of higher education for better livelihood
  3. Education for all
  4. Education for sustainable development
  5. Education for a better life
  6. Education for equality
  7. Education for international understanding
  8. Youth for understanding,
  9. Necessary reforms in higher education institutions
  10. Status of higher education in developing and under-developing nations
  11. Education and training
  12. United Nations sustainable development goals,
  13. to make necessary awareness for sustainable development define, sustainable development definition, 
  14. Education for sustainable development
  15. Code of ethics in education

2 thoughts on “Privileges”

  1. Dear Chief Secretariat of Academic Council of CCLP Worldwide and interested parties in higher learning,
    When one goes through the details enunciated and projected by the leadership of CCLP Worldwide herein, in respect to privileges obtaining, it becomes even clearer how transparent and accountable CCLP Worldwide has afforded to be in the circumstances. The position of both UN ECOSOC which is a coordinating charter body; and UNESCO through its declarations and proclamations are testimonies to all well-intentioned higher education lovers and practitioners worldwide – that education at all levels of engagement is a right. Reflecting on the work of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, the proclamations set out the essential features of the right to education in the following general comments which is No. 13 of 1999. It is affirmed that education in all its forms and at all levels shall exhibit the following interrelated and essential features (the 4 As): Availability – education should be in sufficient quantity for all; Accessibility – education should be accessible to everyone without discrimination, and also being economically affordable to all; Acceptability – education in terms of its form and substance should be acceptable to communities, societies and students, including its content of curriculum; as well as its teaching methods being acceptable to students and parents as appropriate; and Adaptability – this means that education pursuit should be flexible, as opposed to being rigid in orientation – the latter being a common feature of many traditional educational systems; this means that such a kind of education should respond to the changing needs of societies, communities and students. When considering all these 4As enunciated herein, the best interests of the student should be taken on board as a matter of primary consideration – and NOT just secondary ! To the contrary, and unfortunately so, in many traditional schools, colleges and universities, the best interests of the authorities tend to override the interests of students. This approach and action constitute a violation of the rights of the learner. Rights to education attainment should be respected, protected and fulfilled by Governments and other actors in society as a matter of universal principle, and exercise of engagement at various levels. Thank you. Prof Dr Christopher Oyat, Fellow Chartered Educator (Academic Council CCLP Worldwide).

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