This Code of practice is applicable to all Registered Fellow Chartered Educators recognized by the Academic Council of CCLP Worldwide.
It is based on the Umbrella Statement of CCLP worldwide entitled “Vision, Values and Guiding Principles” that was agreed upon at CCLP Worldwide Annual Membership Meeting. While the Umbrella Statement provides a firm ethical framework for our global movement, this Code of practice reflects the commitment of Fellows towards society.
The Fellows are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability to act according to the core values and guiding principles of CCLP Worldwide and to promote these standards and principles. The Fellows are also aware that they have a special role to play in promoting the movement and its ideals to other stakeholders. This Code of practice is a living document. Its value to the Fellowship lies in its ability to create an enhancing environment for a culture of education and research.
The Fellow Chartered Educator is expected to follow the Code of practice as an example to professional fellowship.
1. Adopt Respect, integrity, transparency and Accountability in professional practices.
2. Be involved to get updated in the domain of professional skills and knowledge.
3. Keep maintaining good standing with the professional community.
4. Demonstrate a willingness to advance the scope of education with other learners and academicians.
5. Recognize professional development as key to enhancement and maintenance of good practices.
6. Encourage free flow of knowledge and good practice amongst learners, academicians, institutions and society at large.
The Code of Practice is also available as pdf download
CCLP Worldwide popularly known as the International organization of Education Charter is engaged in promoting
- Higher education,
- Importance of higher education for better livelihood
- Education for all
- Education for sustainable development
- Education for a better life
- Education for equality
- Education for international understanding
- Youth for understanding,
- Necessary reforms in higher education institutions
- Status of higher education in developing and under-developing nations
- Education and training
- United Nations sustainable development goals,
- to make necessary awareness for sustainable development define, sustainable development definition,
- Education for sustainable development
- Code of ethics in education