Membership of CCLP Worldwide

The World Council of CCLP worldwide offers following membership to applicants
1. Accredited Organizational Membership
2. Accredited Individual membership
The Individual and Organizational Memberships are issued in accordance with the Article VI of Charter of CCLP Worldwide as approved by the International Council.
There are two types of Membership
1. Annual Membership with an annual subscription of USD 20 + USD 10 (postage) for Individual and Organizational Membership.
2. Life Membership with one-time Membership Fees of USD 250 + USD 10 (Postage)
1. Annual and Life Members will get Membership Certificate by airmail and email (Certificate duly signed and sealed)
2. Life Members will get personal membership Card and stationery including Education Charter stickers, Flags, Books and letterheads.
3. Life and Annual Members may participate in conference and seminar at special and reduced rates.
4. Annual and life members will get one issue of Education Charter Book annually (subject to availability).
5. Life Members name will be prominently shown in Members Directory and Education Charter Book with inclusion in online sites
6. Life member will get complimentary membership of National Chapter of his or her Country (Currently India, Nigeria and Bangladesh open membership).
7. Annual and life members will have voting rights during annual or special membership meetings.
8. Life Members is eligible to apply for Ambassadorial Appointment from the first year.
9. Annual Members are allowed to apply for ambassadorial appointment from the third year of their membership.
10. Life and Annual Members are allowed to use the Education Charter Members Logo on their personal stationery.
11. Life and annual Members will receive the newsletters via email.
12. Life Members are eligible to apply for CCLP Worldwide Email for use.
Please use the navigation at the top to apply
CCLP Worldwide popularly known as the International organization of Education Charter is engaged in promoting
- Higher education,
- Importance of higher education for better livelihood
- Education for all
- Education for sustainable development
- Education for a better life
- Education for equality
- Education for international understanding
- Youth for understanding,
- Necessary reforms in higher education institutions
- Status of higher education in developing and under-developing nations
- Education and training
- United Nations sustainable development goals,
- to make necessary awareness for sustainable development define, sustainable development definition,
- Education for sustainable development
- Code of ethics in education
I am Obinna Sixtus Nwoke, a UNSDG GLOBAL EDUCATION youth Ambassador. I have been an organizational member of CCLP world wide with my NGO safe community Nigeria with registration number cclpw/n1/0289 issued on 2nd September 2009, suddenly I lost touch with you guys surprisingly.
Now I am the Global President Independent Pan African Youth Parliament I am currently the BoT Chairman of African Indigenous Center For Sustainable Development Goals AIC4SDGS Abuja Nigeria.
I want to reactivate my membership by affiliating our Center with CCLP WORLD WIDE. I will appreciate a certificate of Chartered Membership for African Indigenous Center For Sustainable Development Goals.
Kindly mail it at