Category of Ambassador For Education
Ambassadors for Education Charter work in various areas of society.
There are four categories:
1) City/State Level: First level of leadership appointments (No Executive Authority)
2) National Level: Full-fledged leadership and official representative (Having executive power)- Full Membership with World Council of CCLP Worldwide is granted
3) Regional Level: First level of International position- Special Invitee at International Council Meeting
4) World Level: Voting Member of International Council
• Persons with leadership qualities in their sphere of activity such as religion, politics, the media, academia, business, the arts, civil society, etc.
• Affirmation of CCLP Worldwide’s vision and Umbrella Statement
• The country representative of CCLP Worldwide
• Executive power to look after the National Chapter
• Authorized Signatory for the region or country
• Leading the Country or region in the International Council
• Eligible for the position of International Governor
• Responsible for the working of the National Chapter
• Invitations to participate in seminars and conferences
• Networking with other national and international Diplomats
• Certificate of Honour
To Apply
• Those who meet the above qualifications and want to apply for an appointment as an Ambassador Education Charter, please submit the following documents to your national or International Secretariat office. For more information, visit our website:www.cclpworlwide.com/esi
1) Completed Application Form
2) Bio or curriculum vitae
3) Recommendation from a CCLP Worldwide member in good standing