Global Education Awards 2019
The International Council of CCLP Worldwide is pleased to announce the second year of awards program whose purpose is to recognize the contribution of individuals and organizations and others as initiators in advancing education for better livelihood. Award Criteria: Awards shall be given in recognition of concept, organizational effort and dedication towards promoting and advancing the work of education for better livelihood. Eligible Recipients: Up to three global awards will be given annually—one for each of the following categories of contributors to education for Livelihood:
1. Individual
2. degree-granting social work education programs
3. national and international organizations
Types of Awards:
Award recipients will receive both a letter and an engraved plaque in recognition of their contributions to the advancement of education for better livelihood. Awards will be posted to the address of the winner or may be announced or presented at the ceremony.
Nominations Process: Letters of nomination for Partner awards must include the following:
1. The name and complete communications information for each nominee (including complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, etc.);
2. the nominator’s rationale for the nomination (with a clear statement concerning the works and efforts made by the nominee in advancing education for livelihood);
3. documentation in support of the nomination (e.g., a current curriculum vitae and copies of selected publications for individual nominees or, in the case of organizational nominees, a copy of the organization’s most recent annual report, copies of relevant stories concerning the nominee organization in the public media, as well as a detailed description of the activities engaged in by the nominee that contributes to the advancement of education for livelihood); and,
4. Other materials that nominators believe would be helpful to the Awards Committee in reviewing the merits of nominees. Nominations are open to all individuals, social work programs, and organizations regardless of Country language, religion, caste, creed and race Letters of nominations may be submitted in electronic or hard copy form. However, single copies of documentation in support of the nomination(s)–e.g., publications, stories about nominees in the mass media, school catalogues, course syllabi, videos and other non-electronic materials–must be mailed to the Awards Committee Chair at the address indicated below.
Where to Submit Nominations:
Both electronic and hard copy of all nominations for 2009 International Education Awards should be sent to: His Excellency Ambassador Lamartine Hollanda Junior Chairman of International awards Committee CCLP Worldwide , And or CCLP Worldwide International Secretariat 17 Tara Chand Dutt Street Kolkata 700073, India
Deadline for Submission of Nominations: Nominations must be received at the above address not later than, July31, 2010. We strongly suggest you send us all the documents electronically.