Organisation Hierarchy
The CCLP Worldwide movement consists of many elements: a world-wide network of
1. International Council comprises of International Board Of Governors and Ambassador At Large
2. World Council comprises of Country and City Ambassadors
3. Regional and National Chapters
4. International Secretariat
5. Accreditated Organisation
6. Individual Members and Volunteers
International Council
The international council is CCLP Worldwide central governing body and is elected at the Annual Membership Meeting by accredited national chapters and individual members.
National Chapters
National chapters are independent, locally-established organisations that actively address Core issues in their respective countries, implementing their own national programmes as well as agreed global and regional strategies. CCLP Worldwide national chapters are also instrumental in shaping the movement’s strategy and policies and often work together on regional priorities. A system of Chapter Accreditation Policy helps ensure that the quality and integrity of CCLP Worldwide ‘s work remains high around the world. The national chapters and the International Secretariat work together to tackle core issue.
International Secretariat
The International Secretariat’s relationship with chapters is one of mutual support. It focuses on the global and regional fight against non-availability of higher education and assists national chapters in enhancing their skills. The Secretariat coordinates initiatives within geographical regions and provides methodological support on the tools and techniques to fight core issues. The Kolkata-based Secretariat also serves as the driving force on international issues such as Education for youth conventions, and other cross-border initiatives. It serves as a knowledge management centre, capturing and disseminating best practice and developing new approaches to tackle Core issue Governance of CCLP Worldwide.
CCLP Worldwide is governed by its Charter.
Its ultimate decision-making body is an Annual Membership Meeting, which brings together accredited national chapters and Individual members and elects the Board of Governors, CCLP Worldwide’s central governing body. The National Chapter Accreditation and Individual Members Appointment Policyregulate the membership procedure. National Chapter Guidelines assist National Chapters in setting up or pursuing their operations. The International Secretariat supports the national chapters and implements the international agenda. An Advisory Council consisting of prominent individuals of international standing, advises the movement Ethics at CCLP Worldwide.
The Statement of Values, Vision and Guiding principle provides the ethical framework for CCLP Worldwide. The Board of Governor, the International Secretariat and the national chapters adapt it to their particular circumstances and develop their own individual codes of ethics.
CCLP Worldwide is governed internally by its Conflict of Interest Policy and Codes of Conduct for its different bodies. The Conflict of Interest Policy establishes standards for situations in which the interests and values of the CCLP Worldwide movement appear to be in conflict with the personal interests of individuals to whom the movement has entrusted specific tasks and obligations.
The CCLP Worldwide Code of Conduct for Members of the International Council/World Council and Chapters guides its staff in their day-to-day work, interactions, and decision-making. The Code of Conduct of the Board of Governors guides the work of its members. The Ethics Committee provides advice on ethical questions to the Board of Governors, to national chapters and to the Secretariat.