Membership Dues payment
Annual Membership Dues: USD28 or Euro22 or INR1500/-
Annual Membership Dues: USD28 or Euro22 or INR1500/-
Life Membership Dues: USD546 or Euro 441 or INR30000/-
Payments should be directed to:
CCLP Worldwide
International Secretariat
5th Floor 17 Tara Chand Dutt Street Kolkata 700073, India
Tel 91.33.22685477/8 Fax 91.33.22683379
Payment may be paid through
1. Paypal
A. PAYPAL Links to Pay The Annual Membership Fee (In USD)
B. PAYPAL Links to Pay The Annual Membership Fee (In EURO)
C. PAYPAL link to Pay The Life Membership Fee (In USD)
D. Paypal Link to pay the Fellowship Subscription Fees (IN USD)
E. Paypal Link to pay the Fellowship Subscription Fees (IN EURO)
2.Credit card or Bank account
3. Wire transfer
Bank Name: Axis Bank
Account name: CCLP Worldwide
Account no: 913010054796245
By Bank draft or money order
Please send a check, bank draft or money order drawn from Indian based bank to CCLP Worldwide.