Download newly updated colourful Education Charter International Booklet in pdf form
Education Charter International is a collective initiative of Organizations, Academies, Governmental Body and Individuals to demonstrate their commitment to provisions of this Charter.
The Founder of the Charter is International Organization of Education Charter- CCLP Worldwide ( Special Consultative Status with United Nations and Institutional member UNESCO NEQMAP) which has founded an informal association in the year 1999 to promote the basic Education Charter which was developed in the spirit of UNESCO declaration of Higher Education for 21st Century.
Over the years various consultation and debates held between stakeholders of the society under the aegis of CCLP Worldwide to further develop the scope, extent and usage of the basic text of Education Charter.
During the drafting of the new charter, it was found that other actors of society are equally important to achieve the mission of sustainability and livelihood and Government and CSOs participation was included in the charter. Originally only Higher Education Institutions and society was part of the charter.
The Charter was designed to cover all major roles of various stakeholders- Higher Education Institutions, Governments, NGOs and the public to achieve the common goal of Sustainability and Livelihood.
The charter was made to complement various existing charter and code in the area of Education and sustainability.
The drafting committee has designed introductory statement of the charter which may be used to refer the whole charter.
“The International Education Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles guiding youth education worldwide in the 21st century. Created by global civil society, CCLP Worldwide and endorsed by thousands of members, volunteers, organizations, institutions and individuals engaged in promoting the position of youth, the International Education Charter is not only a call to action but a motivating force inspiring change the world over. The International Education Charter is being implemented into the Declaration of Higher Education for the 21st century by UNESCO, and Ten Principles of United Nations Global Compact for the purposes of creating and a more purposeful and sustainable future for today’s youth.”
For over 20 years the basic Education Charter has been under promotion by CCLP Worldwide for endorsement by Academic World, NGOs, CSOs, Individuals, Governmental body, student community and teaching community.
The Secretariat office has received so far several thousands of endorsements of Education Charter from various stakeholders. The old endorsement doesn’t require any annual reporting and doesn’t entitle endorsee to use the Education Charter logo for their official purpose. As part of policies, the name of the official endorsees was not made public.
The newly compiled Education Charter is open for endorsement by various stakeholders subject to acceptance and approval by Oversight Council.
At present International Chairman – Edr. Vikrant Singh is authorized by the International Council of CCLP Worldwide to act as Depository of all endorsement instruments. The International Secretariat of CCLP Worldwide is designated to manage the day to day affairs of Education Charter endorsements and signatory participants.
With the permission of Chairman and passing of resolution by International Council of CCLP Worldwide, an oversight Council is formed to observe the affairs of Education Charter and decide the policies with regard to its presentation or promotion.
Oversight Council is required to meet once a year either by telephone or email or physical presence to discuss and approve the affair of Education Charter.
With the permission of Chair, new members may be inducted to oversight Council from Signatories and participants to have a democratic structure to better observe the whole affairs.
Education Charter International Campaign
As a display of commitment and solidarity towards this cause, CCLP Worldwide encourages individuals, NGOs, Government and Educational Institution to endorse Education Charter International and Code of Ethics as ‘Supporters of the cause .’ and become Official Signatory Participant of Education Charter International.
The registration of endorsement can be done online with minimum efforts.
CCLP Worldwide popularly known as the International organization of Education Charter is engaged in promoting
- Higher education,
- Importance of higher education for better livelihood
- Education for all
- Education for sustainable development
- Education for a better life
- Education for equality
- Education for international understanding
- Youth for understanding,
- Necessary reforms in higher education institutions
- Status of higher education in developing and under-developing nations
- Education and training
- United Nations sustainable development goals,
- to make necessary awareness for sustainable development define, sustainable development definition,
- Education for sustainable development
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