Apr’ 1, 1999
Whereas, during a gathering of likeminded people at Assembly April 1999, held in Kolkata City, The then Chairperson Ms. Anjana Singh proposed the founding of a worldwide network of likeminded people for the greater good of humanity, and subsequently initiated, and provided support for the formation of Global Society for this cause and formed Global Civil Society, CCLP Worldwide. The formed entity was proposed to be regulated by the charter of the Society.
Apr’ 4, 1999
In May 1999 the members of the Council have adopted the UN Declaration of Higher Education for the twenty-First century as their core founding principles. It was decided to have Kolkata as its head office.
The Global Civil society movement has seen a history of 20 years (1999-2019). This advocacy was projected at an international level and the universal declaration of UNESCO towards the higher education for the twenty-first century was adopted as its core founding principles of the charter.
Feb’ 16, 2003
In the year 2003 For the first time, the organization was registered as Trust as “The Council of Computer Logistic People”.
Nov’ 5, 2004
In the year 2004 formal association was registered in the Indian territory Under societies registration act “The Chamber Of Computer Logistics People” to ignite the movement and promote the charter worldwide. The declaration of Higher Education for sustainable better livelihood was adopted to promote it as “Education Charter International”.
Nov’ 6, 2004
The declaration of Higher Education for sustainable better livelihood was adopted as the core principle of the Charter of CCLP Worldwide.
Jan’ 10, 2005
The Indian Chapter of CCLP Worldwide was recognized and accreditated as the national chapter of CCLP Worldwide.
Apr’ 3, 2007
CCLP Worldwide adopted the ten principles of UN Global compact as founding principles of Charter and these principles form part of the Education Charter
June’9, 2009
Registration of charter (Trust Deed) of the Organization as trust as per Indian law in India.
From 2010 the timeline is online available in various social sites.