Under Article V of the Charter named National and Regional Chapters, CCLP Worldwide International secretariat may encourage the establishment of Regional and National Chapters within appropriate frameworks. The form and organization of these chapters will vary depending on the country or region concerned, and the relevant local legal system. Regional Chapters may also be established in appropriate circumstances. The Applicant must apply to the International Secretariat for necessary approval for establishing the chapter in the respective country or region.
Introduction to Chapter formation
While all members of CCLP Worldwide belong to the international body, they may also organize themselves into national chapters, in order to address national concerns, facilitate intra-state networking, and coordinate local activities. Members may also organize themselves into sub-regional chapters, involving countries in close proximity, such as the Middle East or Central America.
Chapters are organized and operate as separate legal entities, which are financially and legally separate from the International Council of CCLP Worldwide and other chapters. Each chapter is responsible for its own operating budget, and is not the legal or financial responsibility of the International Council of CCLP worldwide,. While chapters are affiliated with the International Council of CCLP worldwide and share goals and conduct programs cooperatively with the International Council of CCLP worldwide, they are not divisions or branches of the International Council of CCLP worldwide.
Chapter membership may admit members who are not a member of the International Council of CCLP worldwide. All members in the geographical region of a chapter are automatically members of the chapter and enjoy voting privileges in the chapter. Only one national chapter is allowed per nation.
The Observing Member of the National Chapter is appointed by the International Council of CCLP worldwide as Honorary Ambassador to act as a mouthpiece of CCLP worldwide. The National Chapter may nominate any of his members (Not in the executive body of the Chapter) for appointment as an honorary ambassador. National Chapter works under the guidance of the Country Ambassador.
The City Chapter or Local chapter may be formed or run under the guidance of the National Chapter or City Ambassador. City Ambassador is the mouthpiece of National Ambassador
The Regional Chapter is an alliance of many national Chapters and is directly under the control of the International Council of CCLP worldwide.
Chapter procedure and Accreditation
To form national or Regional or local chapter The applicants must file with International Council the following items
1. Demonstrate its determination, diligence and competence to combat Core issues in its own country/ territorial entity;
(Short profile of office bearer capacity to work)
9. Licensing Agreement duly signed and sealed by office bearer
10.Charter of applicants Chapter
The International Secretariat is responsible for screening of application and International Council shall have the absolute rights to approve the status of the applicants.
The initiative to create a CCLP WORLDWIDE Regional or National Chapter (R/NC) normally comes existing members.
The process to establish recognition with CCLP WORLDWIDE is called the accreditation process.